Monday, May 28, 2012

Poor Planning Results in an Awesome Surprise

We hit the trifecta - first the plan to go to Asheville, then the fateful excursion into the bowels of hell (Gatlinburg) and then yesterday.  We were headed north in Indiana with the intention of stopping in Columbus Indiana to have a brew at the Power House Brewing Co. ( and then head north to spend the night in Indianapolis and sample the brews at the Oaken Barrel.Brewing Co. (  It sounded like a fine idea until Deb looked at her news updates from CNN on her iPhone and we realized the Indy 500 was yesterday.  Not a good plan to go to Indianapolis.  Once again a good plan gone awry.  Not to fear though, we headed west to Bloomington after our stop at the Power House.

The power house was a quality brew pub.  They had a Sunday Special - 20 oz beer and the glass was free.  I mistakenly assumed it was a glass with their logo - it wasn't.  I did buy one of their glasses though.  My IPA was excellent although a pint would have been sufficient.  Deb didn't enjoy her nut brown as much as I enjoyed my hopped up brew.

 Me and my 20 oz glass at the Power House Brew Pub.

We then left and headed for Bloomington - a 45 mile ride through scenic country.  The beauty of rural Indiana is not to be missed.
We arrived in town, found the Upland Brewing Co. ( and then registered at the Motel 6 (a .8 mile walk). The pub was amazing.  We had dinner, Deb had pizza and I had a Caesar salad.  Since we were walking we had our fill of amazing brews.  I had the IPA, porter and amber while Deb had 2 nut browns.  The pub was a happening place - no employee ever stood still and yet our bartender said it was a "subdued Sunday".  I have never seen so many growlers and six packs leave a brew pub.  I would rate this pub a 10 out of 10 for food, beer and service.

Me and the requisite beer at the Upland Brew Pub:)

This morning after my run I was able to buy 5 six packs of Upland beer - 2 IPA's, 1 each of amber, porter and pale ale.

On to Illinois - can fibs brew beer? Only time will tell.

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