Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brew Fest

Well I guess it's time to report on the Brew Fest.
We arrived in Eagle River around noon and checked into the motel.  At 1:30 we went downstairs to wait for the bus.  There was probably 15 people from our motel that were going.  Half of them had bag chairs, 'were they going to drink or sit?'  We arrived early and checked in and waited.  Before they dropped the rope separating the thirsty crowd from the beer the band played the old standby, In Heaven There Is No Beer, and we were off.
I made two mistakes.  The first was my lack of foresight to bring pretzels.  Many people had pretzel necklaces.  Without something to cleanse the pallet between samples it all started to blend together.  Of course to be honest I'm not sure how much cleansing the pallet would have helped after the first 15 samples.
The second mistake was the same one novice runners make when running races.  They tend to be so pumped up that they start the race too fast.  Well the brew fest was not a race but I sure started out too fast.  Deb told me that, "although we have a bus to take us back you still have to be able to walk".  In hindsight I should have started out slower, drank slower and ate pretzels.  Four hours after beginning I could still walk:)

Ya gotta love the name of the home brewers club:)

Black Husky tapped their IPA at 4pm on the dot.  They were serving so fast they didn't even ask what you wanted - if you were there at 4 you were getting their IPA, which of course is why I was there.  Needless to say, when I went back a half hour later they were out.

Sand Creek Brewery had some cool shirts - this of course being the coolest.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep in mind you only have one liver.Glad to see it was fun. Eileen and I are sitting here trying to think of somewhere fun to go kayaking. It is Sunday though so most places are busy.
